Hi there, heard you missed me. Well I’m back with a vengeance to do a podcast pretty often. How’s that?
Inside the airstream living the Ojai dream, that’s me and Michael Saidman.
This one’s with Michael Saidman of Deer Leg Band. I first heard Saidman’s music on Ojai Free Song Studio one day while I was prospecting around for nuggets of Ojai gold on the internet. And when I heard what SaidmanSaid, I was intrigued, so I bought the album and made contact.
Going through my channels, I was able to get hold of Saidman and conduct this fun filled evening visit and when his lady Kat arrived they sang and played for me and I share that with you my patient listeners as well as two other tracks interspersed in the podcast. Enjoy.
I’m experimenting with the concept of tossing breaks into the podcast now as well to kind of give plenty of room for elbows and asthmatics. It’s a process. Tell your friends.
Ojai Valley Internet Radio Jock #1 Chris B. Olds tapped into the podcast channel here in the barn and what a pleasant steady flow that was. Chris is an active session and gigging drummer and is in the process of creating a media network that will Eclipse the Valley and beyond. Like me he is actively self-(un)employed. He’s focused in the digital arts and website construction and maintenance side of things. If you need a website or blog setup, Chris is your man.
I like that the podcast conversation goes a little esoteric and metaphysical. I’m always fascinated by magickal stuff. And I really appreciate his affinity for and dedication to the musicians of the area. Be sure and follow @ojaivalleyradio on Twitter and them on facebook.
My BooBoo Sonia Erneux visits with me in the garden.
Been a little sick for the past week. Upper respiratory congestion, plugged bronchials and so on. I won’t bore you. So I kindly asked my Booboo Sonia if she’d be on the mics with me this week and it turned out wonderfully. Sonia designs Love Tanjane her clothing line that’s produced locally and sells all over the world. She blogs pretty regularly on matters of decor and design, art and food and other things she finds inspiring here: StuffSoniaLoves. She posts her paintings on her other blog: SoniaPaintsStuff. We talk about art and alcohol, sing Sugarman over and over again, and giggle.
I catch up with my baby boy Enoch Wilson on the phone. We discuss his IMDB profile and role in the Jack Me movie of 2008 that’s available on Amazon instant video. To see his comic lines and his brother Elijah’s confessions as well in this very bad parody of the Super Size Me documentary, skip forward to minute 47:00. Those scenes were shot at Happy Valley School in the commons during the summer of 2007 I think.
Remember to check the seed swap at the Chapparal Auditorium and visit my sponsor All Good Things Organic Seeds and save 15% on your order with the coupon code “christwilson” at check out.
Jim Bailey is a good angel knowledge fountain. May every shoulder have one.
Famous and popular Ojai Science Teacher Jim Bailey schools me for episode 3 of the Don’t Look At ME Podcast. You are in for a treat. I’m so fortunate to have a few good friends and grateful to have them willing to participate in this experiment in recorded conversation.
Jim Bailey breaks it down for us with the scientific wisdom and knowledge of the likes of zoologist Richard Dawkins and paleontologist Richard Leakey.
Mister Bailey makes the learning so easy to digest when he enlightens us further with his recent implementation of “bulletproof” bio-hacking techniques. I mention 4-Hour biohacker Tim Ferris and personal development obsessionist Steve Pavlina. See Pavlina’s blog for some interesting mind dumping.
Then Mister Bailey tickles his ukulele and serenades our sweet ear drums with a song from which I drew liberally to make today’s episode’s bumper music. Even if you have to skip forward (if you think you can handle missing any sweet drop of this conversational nectar) you’re going to want to hear Jim sing.
But first I dial up my son Elijah Wilson and he talks about “going pro” in his quest for new experiences and maintaining a strong youthful physical form. Apparently he is inspired to try screen printing and stencil design, and he’s trying to figure out his Speedball screen printing kit. He likes go-get-’em-tiger reminders from the likes of Steven Pressfield and Seth Godin. He may get lost in Mitch Hedberg interviews and then he’s leapt across the metaphorical world reading interviews with Sacramento punk, hip hop, noise band Death Grips. Thanks to Minneapolis bike shop Sunrise Cyclery, Elijah can listen to himself from the saddle as he thinks of new jokes and freezes his bones in the mid-west.
This quote about Ojai alone makes this book a worthwhile read. War of Art by Steven Pressfield
That’s the essence of my inspiration friends. I even put a couple sound effects in this one. Terrence McKenna says “Harry Weiner” and we remember episode 001 bumper musician’s La Chat.
Thanks for being here with me. This podcast is now available for listening through iTunes and smartphone app Stitcher. Subscribe, listen, comment, rate. Share the facebook fan pagewith your “friends,” comment on iTunes. I love your constructive feeback and suggestions. Follow @christwilson on Twitter and tweet at me like my home state’s official bird the Western Goldfinch.
If the finches are fiending on seed pods, Don't Look @christwilson. Tweet Tweet.
Had some fun hangin’ with my long time friend Richie B. Smith of Azu and the band Blues Bullet. This episode is much more free form conversation and less interview, but there are interview elements in our talk. Like Aldous Huxley told them to remember at that school down the road, Aun Apprendo – I am still learning.
I hope you enjoy it. And if you don’t enjoy it, I hope you listen anyway. And if you decide not to listen, well, remember that I’ve got a new episode coming out next week. But then I’m sure you’ll listen, right?
This episode is in a fairly raw form, almost no editing other than to put up the monologue and closing comments and talking over the music. Using a mixing board is all new to me, so bare with me as a re-learn the art of the mix. I did run sound for a folky Christian band in the early 90s, so I’ll get the hang of it again. This coming week I will figure out how to avoid the pops in the next episode. My audio seemed to be fine and pop free but Richie’s PPPowerful PPPresence or the gain or something was too hot and makes for a bit of a bumpy ride. Bare with me. HEHHEHEEE.
I also made an offer to give away $20 Papa Lennon’s gift cards to the first 5 callers who want to get their windows washed. Offer is limited to knew customers who spend a minimum of $100 on my services. I set the rules on this, my restrictions and discretions apply. Visit my window washing blog to learn more about my psycho-spiritual-magical squeegee art, craft and skills.
I have submitted this podcast to itunes and am waiting for the review process to complete, at which point I will write a post confirming that the itunes feed has gone live. That is supposed to take about 24 hours. We shall see. But when it’s up I will publish that link.
Here's the logo for the Don't Look At Me Podcast
Enjoy and feel free to email me with your comments and constructive critiques: mail@christwilson.com