I bought a bicycle helmet today. A green Bern with a patented visor. First thing I did after getting it home was stick an Ojai Smiley Face right round on the backside of it. It’s a gift to myself and an acknowledgement of the importance of my head.

I mention that I got a helmet first because I’ve been obsessed with cycling recently. Possessed even. Dreaming of big rides over many hundreds of miles. And I want to put energy into this festering dream. I like the slow lane. I enjoy the details along the shoulder.
I bought myself a gift because in one week, I’ll be leaned back all leisurely like while Dr. Joe Westbury in Oak View fits me with a custom milled titanium abutment to which he super glues a custom fitted, dyed and stained porcelain crown. That gap in my smile is where old number 9 used to live. He was a little crooked and his replacement will be bulletproof and straight.
In my last update back in September, when I asked for donations, (see your yellow button opportunity below) my body was healing a hole-full of cadaver leavings into a lattice work of solid bone tissue. On the afternoon of November 4 Dr. Clark and oral surgeon with an office in Oxnard slashed open my gum line, fired up a boring device and made way in my jaw for a petite titanium screw with external and internal threads and a nifty antenna, i’m convinced, that helps the tooth fairy keep tabs on me. It also picks up Mexican radio so I’m glad I like polkas and accordions.
All told this project gumline is setting me back about $3,500. So if you’re inclined, put a portion of your wealth and good fortune toward a cause that has a mind, a passion and a hard-earned sense to strap on a helmet before an adventure. It’ll come back to you tri-fold. I’m the kind of odd that’s in your favor.
I don’t ask for your help because I need it, I ask because I want it and I want you to be a part of my mouth for years to come. Thank you.